Sample/ Stock Sale & New Collections by BKNBZ & B Y C H E R Y V E. C O M
Wat?Sample/Stock Sale & New Collections Summer 2016
Organised by B Y C H E R Y V E. C O M & BKNBZ
It is time to start prepping and feel the Holiday vibes, girls!
We give you the opportunity to buy your IT-girl outfits for all your life changing events this coming summer! There is a complete outfit for every festival, wedding or BBQ!
The following brands will be available on this day:
Bandit Brand, Bikinibiza, OneTeaspoon, Lovely Bird, Spell and the Gypsy Collective (Spell Designs), Supa Sundays, the Feather Junkie & More!
Up to 60% discount! (cash only)
BikinibizaOneTeaspoonLovely BirdSpell and the Gypsy Collective (Spell Designs)Supa Sundaysthe Feather Junkie
womenswear sample saleNoord-Holland sample salessample sales in Amsterdam
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