Patta Distribution x OBEY x SMIB
Wat?Sample Sale - Spring Summer 2018
It's that time of the year again. This Saturday we will be hosting our bi-annual Sample Sale again together with OBEY and Sumibu. Expect all SP'18 collections as well as archive pieces for really great prices. Sumibu will also join us again and they'll have some new exclusive product available. Hope to see you there!
Umsjatka Studio:
Brouwersgracht 130 in Amsterdam.
This time it will be an ONE day only event!!
Saturday the 26th of May from 10:00h - 18:00h
UndefeatedOBEY Clothing40s&ShortiesStüssyX-Large & Sumibu.
womenswear sample salemenswear sample salesample sales Noord-Hollandsample sales Amsterdam
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